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Basic course
in 12 hours Online
from Mikhail Kukhar

A feature of the author's course by Mykhailo Kukhar (Kukhar Mykhailo) is that all theoretical material will be presented on examples and statistical series from the recent history of the Ukrainian economy over the past 30 years.


График лекций:

11, 13, 18, 20 июня 2024

4 лекции, 12 часов
от $300

  • Лекции в  Zoom с 19:00 до 22:00

  • На украинском языке

  • Доступ к видеозаписям лекций в течение года


Give yourself or your loved ones the opportunity to spend just 4 evenings listening to Mikhail Kukhar’s lectures and make your own Level Up in macroeconomics!

Current stream: links to lectures, video recordings and presentations

For students of previous streams

“I opened this course as exclusive and confidential for the Captains of Ukrainian business that had small gaps in macroeconomics.


I know in advance that you are successful people who have thoroughly studied marketing, sales, operational management and many other things for their business biography much better than me.


I am just someone who will help you quickly and not publicly fill in all your gaps in macroeconomics left over from the university. In order not to have these gaps, leaning into the state administration.


I will be glad to be of service to you. And I will be glad to see you and answer exactly your questions that you have accumulated about my discipline over the past 20 years! "

Yours sincerely,
Lecturer in Macroeconomics, Business School "MIM-Kyiv"
Mikhail Kukhar

План Курса

Thematic plan of lectures of the Basic course in macroeconomics

Вступление и Основы:

ВВП, ВНП, реальный, номинальный, «долларовый». Три метода его расчета. Его структура и особенности в Украине. Три существующих и три новых типа «инфляции» и их влияние на бизнес.

Государственные финансы

Бюджет, его налоговая и долговая структура, понятие «фискального процента ВВП» и «Кривой Лаффера». Типы долговой политики, «Маастрихтские критерии», мировая история «дефолтов» и история «процентных ставок в мире и Украине. Социальный договор правительства и бизнеса по ставкам налогов, что придет на смену офшорам и другие последние тренды «налоговой конкуренции» в мире.

Потребление, сбережения и инвестиции в экономике

Теория совокупного спроса и предложения. Структура потребления в развиты и развивающихся экономиках (как наша). Мировые тренды глобального изменения структуры потребления. «Долларовая инфляция» в Украине и «неправедное богатство». Расчеты наличных долларовых сбережений в Украине.

Платежный баланс государства

Система национальных счетов. Особенности статистического искажения основных макропоказателей для Украины и методы их прикладного применения для точности макропрогнозирования.

Монетарная политика ч. 1

Монетарные агрегаты, принципы работы центральных банков с большим экскурсом в историю монетарного аспекта экономической политики со Средних Веков до XXI века. Уравнение Стиглица и феномен «количественного смягчения» последнего десятилетия

Основные теории и прикладные методы прогнозирования «экономических циклов»

Модели наиболее рациональной монетарной, курсовой и инфляционной политики (на разных стадиях цикла) - для центральных банков; модели наиболее рациональной инвестиционной стратегии – для участников рынка

Монетарная политика ч. 2

Банковская система второго уровня, история кредитных моделей, процентных ставок и эволюция моделей управления обменным курсом в XX-XXI вв.

Экономика будущего

Экономическая футурология и глобальные тренды.




Standard package ($300):

FULL RIGHTS to access all 12 hours of online lectures

Unlimited number of lecture recording views

400+ pages of additional materials in presentations

Premium Package ($400):

In addition to the Standart package, you will receive access to a recording of the course “Course for Beginning Investors” from Eric Naiman, Nikolai Grigoriev and Vladislav Svistunov. 16 hours 33 minutes of lectures on investing.

Резерв билета


  • Standart_BC15

    Every month
  • Premium_BC15


Our company guarantees a 100% refund of the full cost of the basic course after listening to the first couple of lectures in case you decide that you do not need the course.

You can return your money and refuse to continue taking the course simply by notifying us by any convenient means of communication: letter, message, etc. And we guarantee 100% refund of your payment



1. How will the broadcast take place?

The weekly broadcast of the Basic Course LIVE will take place on the ZOOM platform. 15 minutes before the start of the lecture, the conference will begin and you will be able to join it in advance.

2. Как получить ссылку на конференцию?

60 minutes before the start, a letter will be sent to your email with an access link to the broadcast; we ask you to pay attention to the “Spam” folder, because the letter may be in it. Also, registered users will be able to get a link directly on the site by clicking on LINK. Attention, the page is only available at the email address from which the payment was made. To replace your mail, please contact us at:

3. I was excluded from the conference, what should I do?

Make sure that your account name contains unique characters (first name, last name, part of the email from which the payment was made). If you are absent after joining, send a personal message to the “Admin” account with the email from which the payment was made, repeat next time only if the account name has changed.

4. How to access lecture recordings?

To watch recordings of lectures or download presentations, you need to be registered on the site. If you have not yet registered on the site, please register. To do this, click the “Login” button in the upper right corner, enter the e-mail (specified when applying for the Basic course) and password. Log in to the site. On this page you will have access to the “Basic Course” stream that you paid for. Select the "Watch" option. Your access to the video course that you paid for is not limited by the duration of the course or the number of views of one lecture! Thank you for choosing our product!

Watch lectures

Access to lecture notes for students who have already taken the course

Запись лекций
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